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El padre que hace volar a su hijo con Síndrome de Down y es furor en Instagram

  • Por Meganoticias

"El blog de un papá sobre la vida con seis niños, uno de los cuales está bendecido con Síndrome de Down y la habilidad de volar". Esa es la descripción del blog de Alan Lawrence, donde comparte experiencias y fotos con su familia en distintos lugares. 

Una de las secciones de su blog se llama "¿Por qué Wil puede volar", en la que cuenta cómo es tener un hijo con Síndrome de Down y comparte fotos del pequeño Wil "volando". "Poco tiempo después de que nació el doctor nos informó que tenía Síndrome de Down. No sabíamos que esperar", cuenta Lawrence.

"Después, un día opcurrió. Wil siempre había querido volar desde que aprendió a rodar sobre su estómago. Cuando estaba en esa posición movía sus brazos y sus pies como si estuviera tratando de volar" agrega. 

El padre del pequeño le contó a la BBC cómo hace sus fotos: "Un día tuve la idea de hacer un fotomontaje, tomando una foto de Wil, que tiene dos años, en la que yo lo sostenía como si volara, borrándome luego de la imagen con Photoshop para que pareciera que volaba solo ". 

Otros padres en la misma situación agradecen lo que hace Lawrence en su blog. 

"Wil ha cambiado nuestras vidas para mejor. No es una carga para nuestra familia, ni una prueba, es simplemente maravilloso. Es difícil describir la alegría que trae a cada uno de nosotros. Aunque tine Síndrome de Down, sabemos que Wil hará cualquier cosa en la que ponga su mente", escribe su orgulloso padre en su blog. 



Happy Sunday! My family and I just got done watching the recent BBC interview I did about Wil Can Fly. So grateful to the BBC for reaching out to share our story. In this interview I said that “its not easy” raising Wil “but worth it”. Part of me wanted to change what I said about it not being easy. It's that part of me that wants to hide some of the common challenges that come with raising a child with special needs so that people will not be afraid to give them the chance they deserve. But in reality all of my kids have their own unique special needs and just like raising any kid it is not always easy - but it is so worth it and the everyday joy is indescribable. Wil is not a trial for our family, he is perfect in every way and I am so incredibly grateful for my family and would not change a thing about any of them. You can find a link to the interview in my profile. Thanks for following. #wilcanfly

Una foto publicada por Alan Lawrence (@thatdadblog) el 28 de Ago de 2016 a la(s) 1:50 PDT


We decided to put Wil in charge of washing Annie, it's a lot easier for him to escape when she starts shaking. #wilcanfly

Una foto publicada por Alan Lawrence (@thatdadblog) el 1 de Jun de 2016 a la(s) 11:06 PDT


#Repost @thatdadblog Love this - dad/photographer who makes photos of his Down's syndrome son of him flying ? ??? This was the first Wil Can Fly photo that really made me pause and realize the deeper meaning to the series I had just started. I had taken a handful of photos of Wil flying before this one but after this photo the "Wil Can Fly" message revealed itself. It was something about Wil looking at himself in the mirror for the first time that made me pause, it was like he was recognizing himself and his differences for the first time but also understanding his potential. I know he probably wasn't thinking that but it's how it came across to me. I originally took this photo with the idea that Wil would be brushing his hair and laughing, but as we started shooting he noticed himself in the mirror and we knew we had something more beautiful than we had intended. Wil decided what the photo really needed to be about. That seems to be the case with most of the Wil Can Fly photos, we usually start with an idea and then through Wil's expressions the photo evolves. Checkout the link in my profile if you want to see more photos of Wil flying. #wilcanfly

Una foto publicada por Del Manning (@delmanning) el 28 de Ago de 2016 a la(s) 2:28 PDT


Our own little NeverEnding Story. #wilcanfly #80smovies #falkor #neverendingstory

Una foto publicada por Alan Lawrence (@thatdadblog) el 7 de Jun de 2016 a la(s) 12:46 PDT



Una foto publicada por F L A V I T O (@fla.vito) el 25 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 11:28 PDT